Uncontested Divorce:
A Georgia uncontested divorce is essentially a divorce by agreement. Issues such as child support, child custody, and the equitable division of assets are handled by the agreement of the parties and integrated into the uncontested divorce settlement agreement. Filing of the Georgia uncontested divorce is handled by our office and we walk you through each and every step of uncontested divorce process and work to keep your costs to a minimum.
Child Custody:
Obtaining custody of children is often the most important aspect of our client’s divorce cases. The custody options under Georgia law can be confusing. We will guide you through the confusing legal topics of joint custody, sole custody, physical custody, legal custody and the “best interest of the child” standard used by the Court.
Alimony is often the mostly highly contested issues in many Georgia divorce cases. The purpose behind alimony in Georgia is to provide income to one spouse who has become economically dependent on the other spouse during the course of their marriage. However, as more families are now supported by both parent’s income, GA alimony awards are increasingly rare. We are here to help walk you through the sometimes difficult task of obtaining or defending against alimony.
After divorce things change. Kids get older. Your ex-spouse may remarry. Either parent may lose their job or have a substantial change in income. Your ex-spouse may become unable or to care for the children. Life goes on. A lot of stuff can happen after your divorce. Sometimes the decree should be altered to reflect the reality of the current situation. This is where the services of an experienced Georgia family law attorney is needed. The Law Office of Davis and Jones handles all types of family law modification cases including:
A contested divorce by its very nature is more complex than an uncontested divorce. Common issues in contested divorce cases are: child support, child custody, alimony, equitable division of property assets or debts, and division of retirement assets. We work diligently to maximize your rights and protect your interest. To get the divorce process started (or if you have already been served with divorce papers) call us 404-487-8678.
When you were married, you planned to spend the rest of your life together and began working together to build up your assets and property for your family. Now that you are getting divorced, you must find a way to divide those assets and property. This is often the hardest fought battle in a divorce. The Court will equitably divide the marital assets, but that does always not mean an equal 50/50 split. Many factors can affect how the judge will divide your assets. Using a competent Georgia family law attorney can mean the difference between a fair division and an unfair one.
The Law office of Davis and Jones handles cases involving paternity and legitimacy. Including:
Men seeking to be involved in the child's life;
Men seeking to prove they are not the father of a child; and
Mothers seeking child support or proof of paternity.
Paternity and legitimation issues can be time sensitive due to the fact that the court follows the “best interest of the child” standard in deciding issues regarding children. Timely, well informed decisions are often the deciding factor in many of these cases.